7th Workshop on Trusted Smart Contracts (WTSC)

In Association with Financial Cryptography 2023

In Association with Blockchain Governance Initiative Network (BGIN block #8)

May 5, 2023

Bluesun Hotel Elaphusa
Bol, Brač, Croatia

Program Chairs

Andrea Bracciali University of Stirling, UK
Geoffrey GoodellUCL, UK
Contact us


09:00-09:10 Openings
Location: Korčula meeting room - chair Geoff Goodell
09:10-10:30 L2 & ZK
1. Efficient Rollup Batch Posting Strategy on Base Layer.
Akaki Mamageishvili and Edward Felten.
2. Unlinkability and Interoperability in Account-Based Universal Payment Channels.
Mohsen Minaei, Panagiotis Chatzigiannis, Shan Jin, Mahdi Zamani, Ranjit Kumaresan, Srinivasan Raghuraman and Pedro Moreno-Sanchez.
3. Cassiopeia: Practical On-Chain Witness Encryption.
Schwinn Saereesitthipitak and Dionysis Zindros.

10:30-11:00 Break with poster
Abstract - Poster

4. FlexiPCN: Flexible Payment Channel Network.
Susil Kumar Mohanty and Somanath Tripathy.
11:30-12:30 Properties and applications
5. Publicly verifiable auctions with privacy.
Enrique Larraia, Paul Germouty and Wei Zhang.
6. Consolidation of Ground Truth Sets for Weakness Detection in Smart Contracts.
Monika di Angelo and Gernot Salzer.

12:30–14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:30 Invited Talk and Round Table (joint with CoDeFin)
Location: Brač conference room - chair Andrea Bracciali
14:00-14:50 The evolution of decentralisation and governance in Proof of Stake

Massimo Morini
Chief Economist
Algorand Foundation

14:50-15:30Round Table: Towards decentralised governance?`
Panelists: Don Beaver, Joseph Beverley, Ed Felten, Carole House, Hal Seki

15:30-16:00 Break

16:00-17:30 Incentives and power
Location: Korčula meeting room - chair Max Sala
7. The Principal–Agent Problem in Liquid Staking.
Apostolos Tzinas and Dionysis Zindros.
8. Detecting Privileged Parties on Ethereum.
Michael Fröwis and Rainer Böhme.
9. Breaking Blockchain Rationality with Out-of-Band Collusion.
Haoqian Zhang, Mahsa Bastankhah, Louis-Henri Merino, Vero Estrada-Galiñanes and Bryan Ford.
17:30-17:45 Closing

18:00-20:00 Sunset Farewell Party (sponsored by Chainlink Labs)
Location: Zlatni Rat Beach
(about 10–15 minutes walking distance from the hotel)

This conference is organized annually by the International Financial Cryptography Association in cooperation with IACR.